Here the recipe for Crispy KFC, with some modification here and there...Enjoy!
1 Whole Chicken cut into 8 pieces, here's the cut :
Ingredients for Marinade :
3 tbsp Salt
2 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Pepper
1 bay leaf
500 mL Water
Ingredients for Washing:
165 mL ( half can ) Soda Water
1 tbsp Milk Powder
Flour Coating:
Flour Coating:
200 gram Medium Protein Wheat Flour
2 tbsp Corn Starch
1 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
1 tbsp Paprika Powder
1 tbsp White Pepper
1/2 tbsp Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 tbsp Salt
For Deep Frying:
1 L of Palm Oil
Cooking thermometer ( High range temp. as we're gonna dive up to 200 deg.C )
How to cook :
1. Rinse chicken. Mix ingredients for marinade into big bowl. Marinade chicken and put into refrigerator around 8 hours.
4. Prepare container box like lock&lock or Tupperware , shake well until throughly combined the flour.
Chicken : drained!
Wash : no residual water!
Flour : all mix well!
5. Dip the chicken into wash, let them really drained (photo) Put the wash chicken into flour : 3-4 chicken (depends on big size of bowl). (photo)
6. Seal the container Lock&Lock, hold tight, shake hard the container until chicken blend well.
7. Open the container, transfer the chicken to a drainer. (photo)
8. Shake drainer to separate sticking flour, separate the chicken to a plate next for ready to be fried.
9. Heat the oil, make sure the amount of oil that submerged chicken!
10. Put the thermometer, when it has appointed 190 degree, add the chicken.
11. When the chicken is turning golden color, reduce the heat until the thermometer appointed 170 degree.
12. Continue to fry for 12 minutes, enough reserved 1 time.
Drained chicken!
Key to success :
1. Long marinade . Do not be quick quickly issued from refrigerator , allow the solution to soak into the chicken salt . Cold temperature in the refrigerator helps the absorption of saline solution.
2. Drain the chicken after being appointed dr marinade solution to dry , so when fried , the water content is not excessive.
3. Wash solution should be well blended, making sure no deposits during the cooking process.
4. When shake chicken in the flour container , should be carried out as evenly as possible. Make sure the powder coat each chicken centi body.
5. That the rest of the flour stuck to the chicken must be drained spy results later there are no lumps of flour.
6. This is important ! Temperature frying !! This is this is important! Temperature 190 and 170 should be kept as accurate as possible so that the chicken does not burn , so the results are exactly the same (NOT like ) to KFC.
Enjoy Krokkante Fried Chicken!! Moist, perfectly cooked inside and crisp outside!
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